🌿 Exploring Wonders at El Paso County Nature Centers 🤝Volunteer Hub

COS Local News & Events | Issue #24-006 1/6/24

Inside COS Town Tidings Issue #24-006

Community Corner Edition

🤣 Today’s Chuckle
🌦 COS Weather - Cloudy with light snow ending

🌿 Exploring Wonders at El Paso County Nature Centers

🤝 Helping Hands - Volunteer Opportunities

💥 Which Non-profit Should We Feature?

📆 Local Events - updated daily

🤝 Partner with us - Affordable Advertising Options


How does a snowman get the weather report?
👉 From the winternet 🤣


Our hope is that we made you smile today…pass it on.



🌿 Exploring Wonders at El Paso County Nature Centers


Let’s delve into the story of our local non-profit nature centers, where every visit stirs the heart and ignites the imagination.

🌲 Whispers from the Wild

Tucked in the folds of Colorado Springs, Bear Creek and Fountain Creek Nature Centers are more than just parks; they're vibrant landscapes alive with the breath of imagination and the untamed essence of nature.

Supported by the non-profit Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers, these havens have been our local staycations to wonder for nearly half a century.

👣 Where Little Feet Tread and Minds Expand

Imagine a world where every step unearths a story, every glance reveals a secret. Here, the Children's Nature Series programs transform toddlers into intrepid explorers, while Summer Nature Camps gift our kids with the spirit of the wild, fostering joy and knowledge under the Colorado sky.

🌟 Embracing Every Explorer 

Inclusivity blooms on these trails, with the Trailability Program and Sensory Bags inviting ALL to bask in nature's wonders, regardless of ability.

And for days when the outdoors seems daunting, cozy nooks with large windows offer a tranquil portal to the peaceful display of birds gliding past and the hushed ambiance of the natural world. All visible even as you sit sheltered behind a wall of glass.

While you’re inside, explore the inviting vignettes of nature’s marvels, where interactive exhibits provide an all-weather journey through the wonders of the wild, ready to engage and educate visitors of all ages. You will not be disappointed!

🍃 Volunteers: The Heartbeat of Hope

Volunteers breathes life into our nature centers, their dedication echoing through community events and the whispering pines. Their efforts, a testament to the power of giving, keep the magic alive and thriving. If you’d like to contribute, there are many options to choose from.

🌐 Future Awaits for the Fox Run Nature Center 

As they grow, so does their vision for the future. The upcoming Fox Run Nature Center will become a beacon of adventure, soon to unveil the mysteries of what lies at the North side of COS. Every donation, every moment of support, helps nurture the seed of this new beginning hopefully to be unveiled in 2026. Stay tuned for the announcement of the Winter Fun at Fox Run event on Feb 10th to raise money to open this new nature center.

🌺 Discover, Learn, and Contribute

The El Paso County Nature Centers aren't just places; they're a non-profit cause where joy and education intertwine, where each visit leaves an indelible mark on the soul. For moments of serenity or bursts of excitement, they stand ready to welcome you into a world of child-like awe.

For more ways to support and learn about these local treasures, visit their website, follow on Facebook, or see their stories unfold on Instagram.

Let's cherish and sustain the wonder together!


🤝 Helping Hands - Volunteer Opportunities

Explore rewarding volunteer options and be part of something meaningful. Together, we can make an impact!

  1. Care and Share Food Bank: Care and Share Food Bank provides food assistance to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-528-1247 or visit their website at careandshare.org 

  2. Catholic Charities of Central Colorado: Catholic Charities offers a variety of services to help individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-866-6286 or visit their website at ccharitiescc.org

  3. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo offers volunteer opportunities for animal lovers. You can find more information on their website at cmzoo.org

  4. Crossfire Ministries: Crossfire Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-447-1806, ext. 102 or visit their website at crossfireministries.org

  5. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Colorado Springs: This organization provides support and resources for individuals and families affected by depression and bipolar disorder. You can contact them at 719-477-1515 or visit their website at DBSAColoradoSprings.org

  6. Friends of the Pikes Peak Library District: This organization supports the Pikes Peak Library District through fundraising and volunteer efforts. You can find more information on their website at FriendsOfppld.org

  7. Pikes Peak United Way: Pikes Peak United Way works to improve the lives of individuals and families in the community. You can contact them at 719-632-1543 or visit ppunitedway.org

  8. Pikes Peak Library District: The Pikes Peak Library District offers volunteer opportunities to help with various library programs and services. You can find more information on their website at ppld.org/volunteer

  9. Springs Rescue Mission: Springs Rescue Mission provides support and resources for homeless in the Colorado Springs area. You can contact them at 719-632-1822 or visit their website at SpringsRescueMission.org


Want us to Feature YOUR Local Nonprofit?

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