Trivia Tues: 🦒COS First Zoo 💸Tax Bill: Later Arrival, Same Due Date

COS Local News & Events | Issue #24-009 1/9/24

Inside COS Town Tidings Issue #24-009

🤣 Today’s Chuckle
🌤 COS Weather - Mostly sunny

📰 Tax Bill Shuffle: Later Arrival, Same Due Dates💸

📰 Asbestos Alert: Evacuated Seniors' Families Demand Answers👵

📰 Swift Cleanup: Hazmat Crews Tackle Fuel Spill⚠️ 

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📆 Local Events - updated daily

Winter Wellness: 🕺Stretch Away Post-Shoveling Strain  

Trivia Tues: 🦒Cheyenne's Zoo Prequel


Why did the pie go to the dentist?
👉 To get a filling 🤣

Happy Cracking Up GIF

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💸Tax Bill Shuffle: Later Arrival, Same Due Dates  

Expect a delayed arrival of property tax bills this year following the fallout of Proposition HH. Despite the postponed issuance, payment deadlines persist unchanged. Recent short-term property tax adjustments, a response to the Proposition's failure, involve the reduction of the residential assessment rate and a $55,000 exemption.

The special task force, comprising diverse professionals, aims to establish a more enduring solution for property tax relief by March 15. Lawmakers emphasize the importance of predictability in this process, acknowledging the rising median home values in El Paso County, which surged by 44% last year. The committee explores various exemption options, particularly targeting seniors, striving to present comprehensive solutions for Colorado residents. We'll bring you more when updates are available.

👵 Asbestos Alert: Evacuated Seniors' Families Demand Answers

Families are grappling with a communication breakdown following the evacuation of Kiowa Hills Health and Rehab Center in Old Colorado City due to asbestos contamination. Residents, including those with dementia and Alzheimer's, were moved to different facilities without adequate notification to their families. Concerns heighten as loved ones express worries about the well-being of elderly residents and the lack of information about their current locations.

Some residents share that they were informed to bring only minimal belongings, leading to uncertainties about the return timeline. Asbestos abatement procedures are in progress, raising health concerns among residents, and questions linger about the fate of their possessions. Families seek clarity and reassurance amid the ongoing situation.

⚠️Swift Cleanup: Hazmat Crews Tackle Fuel Spill

Hazmat crews swiftly addressed a fuel spill in the Palmer Park area, near La Salle Street and North Academy Boulevard last night just after 9 PM, caused by leakage from a tanker truck. Approximately 50 gallons of fuel spilled into the street, prompting a temporary closure of La Salle. The spill was successfully contained and cleaned by the Colorado Springs Fire Department, with the road reopening within half an hour.


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🕺Stretch Away Post-Shoveling Strain

Learn easy full-body stretches to prevent injuries post-snow shoveling. Perfect for beginners and seniors, these stretches target key muscles. Treat shoveling like a workout, warm up, take breaks, and hydrate.

*Information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Please consult a health care professional, nothing above should be construed as medical advice.


Trivia Tues: 🦒Cheyenne's Zoo Prequel

Zoo Park, not Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, was Colorado Springs' first zoo. Located at Cheyenne Road and 8th Street, Zoo Park was built by Chicago politician and saloon owner "Bathhouse" John Coughlin, a man known for his colorful character. The zoo was established 20 years before the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

In 1926, Spencer Penrose founded the Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society and began relocating animals from his ranch and the Broadmoor Hotel to the present site of the zoo. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has since become a prominent and beloved attraction in Colorado Springs, known for its conservation efforts and engaging visitor experiences.


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