🛒 Sunny Side Market - Nourishing Colorado Springs 🤝Volunteer Hub

COS Local News & Events | Issue #24-020 1/20/24

COS Town Tidings Issue #24-020

Community Corner Edition

🤣 Today’s Chuckle
🌦 COS Weather - Mild and warming up

🔦Spotlight Feature: 🛒 Sunny Side Market - Nourishing Colorado Springs One Bag at a Time

🤝 Helping Hands - Volunteer Opportunities

💥 Which Non-profit Should We Feature?

📆 Local Events - updated daily

🤝 Partner with us - Affordable Advertising Options


Why is alphabet soup good for you?
👉 It gives you better vowel movements! 🤣





Spotlight Feature: 🛒 Sunny Side Market - Nourishing Colorado Springs One Bag at a Time

A Hub of Health in Colorado Springs

Right in the heart of our own Colorado Springs at 1520 Verde Dr, Sunny Side Market, part of the Care and Share Food Bank of Southern Colorado, stands as a cornerstone of community care. It's where, when the doors are open (Mon and Thurs 2–6 PM), hearts are full, and shopping baskets become vessels of hope for those in need.

🛒 Dignified Grocery Shopping Experience

Enroll, Enter, Enjoy
Before weaving through the aisles, a quick, one-time online enrollment is your key to a bounty of nutritious food. With a personal key fob in hand, shoppers can delve into the vibrant variety of fresh produce, meats, dairy, and pantry staples. The market ensures that every visit is more than just a transaction; it's an experience steeped in dignity and community spirit.

🏠 For the Locals, By the Locals

Shop with a Heart
Sunny Side Market is dedicated to nourishing its neighbors. To shop here, you simply need to be a resident of the area, embracing the local love. With a two-bag limit per visit and ability to come back once a week, the market thoughtfully extends its reach, ensuring ample food for all who come through its doors.

🥦 Freshness on the Shelves

Quality and Care in Every Bag
Each visit promises a selection of healthy and delicious food, from crisp greens to bakery-fresh bread. And yes, there is always room for a sweet indulgence because joy is an essential ingredient in every diet.

Note: Selection changes daily depending on what our local partners have available to donate at any given time.

💖 A Story of Shared Prosperity

At Sunny Side Market, the saying "less is more" comes alive with just two bags—not as a limit, but as a promise of quality and care. Each item is carefully selected, ensuring that when you leave, your bags are laden with not just groceries but also the essence of a community that looks after its own.

🤝 Join the Family

Sunny Side Market isn't simply a place; it's a vibrant chapter in our local narrative. It's a testament to what we can accomplish when we come together with compassion and generosity. 

Colorado Springs Town Tidings is honored to spotlight Sunny Side Market, a symbol of community service and shared sustenance. Whether you shop, donate, or volunteer, your involvement is a profound gesture of belonging to a community that cares deeply about its members. Let’s rally around this mission and grow together in unity and health.


🤝 Helping Hands - Volunteer Opportunities

Explore rewarding volunteer options and be part of something meaningful. Together, we can make an impact!

  1. Care and Share Food Bank: Care and Share Food Bank provides food assistance to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-528-1247 or visit their website at careandshare.org 

  2. Catholic Charities of Central Colorado: Catholic Charities offers a variety of services to help individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-866-6286 or visit their website at ccharitiescc.org

  3. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo offers volunteer opportunities for animal lovers. You can find more information on their website at cmzoo.org

  4. Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers: Nonprofit whose mission is to support Bear Creek and Fountain Creek Nature Centers. Active volunteers complete orientation and role-specific training. Volunteers are invited to participate in continuing education and social events throughout the year. CommunityServices.ElPasoCo.com

  5. Crossfire Ministries: Crossfire Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-447-1806, ext. 102 or visit their website at crossfireministries.org

  6. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Colorado Springs: This organization provides support and resources for individuals and families affected by depression and bipolar disorder. You can contact them at 719-477-1515 or visit their website at DBSAColoradoSprings.org

  7. Friends of the Pikes Peak Library District: This organization supports the Pikes Peak Library District through fundraising and volunteer efforts. You can find more information on their website at FriendsOfppld.org

  8. Pikes Peak United Way: Pikes Peak United Way works to improve the lives of individuals and families in the community. You can contact them at 719-632-1543 or visit ppunitedway.org

  9. Pikes Peak Library District: The Pikes Peak Library District offers volunteer opportunities to help with various library programs and services. You can find more information on their website at ppld.org/volunteer

  10. Springs Rescue Mission: Springs Rescue Mission provides support and resources for homeless in the Colorado Springs area. You can contact them at 719-632-1822 or visit their website at SpringsRescueMission.org


Want us to Feature YOUR Local Nonprofit?

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📆 Upcoming COS Area Events


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