๐ŸŽ Hope Unwrapped, ๐Ÿค Volunteer Opportunities, ๐Ÿค— Dementia Voice

COS Local News & Events | Issue #045 - Community Corner Edition

Inside COS Town Tidings Issue #045

Community Corner Edition

๐Ÿคฃ Todayโ€™s Chuckle
๐ŸŒฆ COS Weather - Flurries and cold

๐ŸŽ Christmas Unlimited: Hope Unwrapped

๐Ÿค Helping Hands - Volunteer Opportunities

๐Ÿ’ฅ Who Should We Feature?

๐Ÿ“† Upcoming Local Events - updated daily
๐Ÿคถ Holiday Craft Fairs

๐Ÿค— Your Voice Matters: Dementia Poll

๐ŸŽค POLL Results: Black Friday: Passion or Pass?

Welcome to our special bimonthly edition of Colorado Springs Town Tidings, where we shine a spotlight on the incredible work being done by non-profit organizations in our community. In this issue, we invite you to join us in the Community Corner, where we celebrate the power of making a difference together!

We believe in the strength of our community and the impact we can create when we come together for a common cause. Therefore, every other Saturday will be dedicated to showcasing a local non-profit and their inspiring initiatives that bring hope, support, and positive change to those directly in our community that are in need.

From providing essential services to championing important causes, these organizations are the heart and soul of our community. They rely on our support to continue their invaluable work, and we have the power to make a difference by getting involved, volunteering, or contributing in any way we can.

Let's come together, lend a helping hand, and make a positive impact in the lives of our neighbors who need it most.

When life gives you lemons
๐Ÿ‘‰ donate them to a food bank ๐Ÿคฃ



๐ŸŽ Christmas Unlimited: Hope Unwrapped

Helping Children Believe in the Magic of Christmas

In the heart of Colorado Springs, there is a local non-profit organization that has been spreading joy and making a difference in the lives of children and families for nearly a century. Christmas Unlimited, founded in 1923, has a rich history of bringing the magic of Christmas to those in need.

A Legacy of Giving

Christmas Unlimited began as the Mrs. Santa Claus Club, a group of dedicated volunteers repairing dolls, puzzles, and donated items for children in the community. Over the years, the organization evolved and expanded its mission, providing not only toys but also clothes, food, and even school supplies to those in our community that are in need.

A Store of Dreams

One of the significant innovations of Christmas Unlimited was the development of a "store" concept for distributing toys. Instead of simply receiving pre-selected gifts, families are given the opportunity to choose what they want using a point voucher system. This approach empowers parents and caregivers to select the perfect gifts for their children, creating a truly personalized and magical experience.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Throughout its history, Christmas Unlimited has relied on the support and dedication of thousands of volunteers who have given their time and energy to make a difference in the lives of others. From the early days of repairing toys to organizing toy drives, helping in the โ€œstoreโ€ and more. These compassionate individuals have been the driving force behind the organization's success.

Building a Brighter Future

In recent years, Christmas Unlimited has achieved a significant milestone by moving into their own warehouse. This has allowed them to serve more families in a more comfortable fashion, ensuring that every child in need receives a special gift during the holiday season.

Join the Magic

As we are in the holiday season, let us remember the importance of giving back to our community. Christmas Unlimited provides a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and families right here in Colorado Springs. Whether through volunteering, donating toys, or supporting their programs, you can help spread the magic of Christmas and bring joy to those who need it most.

Unfortunately, with only 2% of their fundraising goal achieved, (as per the ColoradoGives web page) the need is urgent. Your support can make a difference. 

Join us in spreading joy, hope, and love this season. Click here to visit their website and be part of the magic of giving. ๐ŸŒŸ 


๐Ÿค Helping Hands - Volunteer Opportunities

Explore rewarding volunteer options and be part of something meaningful. Together, we can make an impact!

  1. Care and Share Food Bank: Care and Share Food Bank provides food assistance to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-528-1247 or visit their website at careandshare.org 

  2. Catholic Charities of Central Colorado: Catholic Charities offers a variety of services to help individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-866-6286 or visit their website at ccharitiescc.org

  3. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo offers volunteer opportunities for animal lovers. You can find more information on their website at cmzoo.org

  4. Crossfire Ministries: Crossfire Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-447-1806, ext. 102 or visit their website at crossfireministries.org

  5. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Colorado Springs: This organization provides support and resources for individuals and families affected by depression and bipolar disorder. You can contact them at 719-477-1515 or visit their website at DBSAColoradoSprings.org

  6. Energy Resource Center: The Energy Resource Center helps low-income families with energy efficiency and weatherization services. You can contact them at 719-591-0772 or visit their website at erc-co.org 

  7. Friends of the Pikes Peak Library District: This organization supports the Pikes Peak Library District through fundraising and volunteer efforts. You can find more information on their website at FriendsOfppld.org

  8. Pikes Peak United Way: Pikes Peak United Way works to improve the lives of individuals and families in the community. You can contact them at 719-632-1543 or visit ppunitedway.org

  9. Pikes Peak Library District: The Pikes Peak Library District offers volunteer opportunities to help with various library programs and services. You can find more information on their website at ppld.org/volunteer

  10. Springs Rescue Mission: Springs Rescue Mission provides support and resources for homeless in the Colorado Springs area. You can contact them at 719-632-1822 or visit their website at SpringsRescueMission.org


Want us to Feature YOUR Local Business?

If you OWN a local business and would like to be featured in front of a growing following of Colorado Springs area residents OR if you absolutely LOVE a local business we wanna know!

๐Ÿ‘‡Click an option below:


Upcoming COS Area Events

๐Ÿงต๐ŸŽ„ Upcoming Holiday Craft Fairs ๐Ÿคถ๐Ÿงถ

Have an upcoming event you want us to share?


๐Ÿค— Your Voice Matters: Dementia Poll

As we consider our upcoming content, we are reflecting on the challenges and experiences faced by many in our community. Dementia and Alzheimer's are conditions that touch the lives of numerous individuals, directly or indirectly. We understand the profound impact these conditions can have on individuals and their families.

In the spirit of support and understanding, we're contemplating a series dedicated to "Caring Together: Navigating Dementia and Alzheimer's." Before we embark on this journey, we'd like to hear from you. Your insights are invaluable, and we want to ensure that our content resonates with your needs and concerns.

Please take a moment to participate in our poll, and feel free to share your thoughts. Your voice matters, and together, we can create a space of empathy, information, and shared strength. Thank you for sharing your perspective and being an integral part of our supportive community.

How does dementia or Alzheimer's impact your life?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.


๐ŸŽค POLL Results: Black Friday: Passion or Pass?

Well, looks like Black Friday isnโ€™t what it used to beโ€ฆback in the day. Here are the results from yesterdayโ€™s poll.

How do you feel about Black Friday shopping and FOMO?


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