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  • 🏡New Homes 🏛️MLK Closures ❄️Arctic Blast Alert 🚨Search for Justice 🚨Dark-Coated Bandit 🍫Chocolate Truffles

🏡New Homes 🏛️MLK Closures ❄️Arctic Blast Alert 🚨Search for Justice 🚨Dark-Coated Bandit 🍫Chocolate Truffles

COS Local News & Events | Issue #24-012 1/12/24

Inside COS Town Tidings Issue #24-012

🤣 Today’s Chuckle
🌤 COS Weather - Mostly sunny with wind - frigid temps coming soon

📰 Lokal Luxe Living: New Homes, Hot Deals 🏡

📰 MLK Day Closures: What's Open, What's Closed? 🏛️

📰 Colorado Braces for Arctic Blast: Emergency Measures Activated ❄️

🤝 Partner with us - affordable advertising options

📆 Local Events - updated daily

🚨 Search for Justice: Gunfire Erupts on S Academy Blvd Robbery

🚨 Dark-Coated Bandit Vanishes After Southgate Robbery

Recipe: 🍫 Dark Chocolate Orange Truffles 🍊


Where do cows like to go on Friday nights?
👉To the moo-vies🤣

Happy Cracking Up GIF

Our hope is that we made you smile today…pass it on.




Lokal Luxe Living: New Homes, Hot Deals! 🏡 

Lokal Homes, a Colorado-based home builder, has launched sales at Parkside at Victory Ridge in northern Colorado Springs, offering 89 single-family homes with modern designs and upscale features. With base pricing from the low $500,000s, the homes include various floor plans with up to 2,227 square feet, 3 to 4 bedrooms, and 2.5 to 3.5 bathrooms.

The community, part of the top-performing Academy District No. 20, provides easy access to InterQuest Marketplace and I-25. Lokal Homes, known for its attainable pricing, now offers eight plans in its Victory Ridge communities, with sales center details available at 10618 Larimar Point.

🏛️ MLK Day Closures: What's Open, What's Closed?

City of Colorado Springs announces closures for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 15. Several administrative and elected offices and agencies will be closed, including transit, city administration, court, and recreational facilities.

Some facilities like cemeteries, Garden of the Gods Park, golf courses, and dining establishments will remain open with modified hours.

Commemorative events starting at 7:30 AM, organized by Colorado College. Featuring a march from Robson Arena to the Cornerstone Arts Center located on Colorado College campus off Cascade and Cache la Poudre. Minimal downtown traffic disruptions anticipated.

❄️ Colorado Braces for Arctic Blast: Emergency Measures Activated

Officials, including Governor Jared Polis, issue warnings as a severe cold snap approaches Colorado, prompting a disaster declaration and activation of emergency plans. With temperatures expected to drop to single digits and wind chills below zero this weekend, efforts are underway to ensure shelter access for all residents. In Colorado Springs, the Fire Department directs individuals seeking warmth to Springs Rescue Mission, on 5 W. Las Vegas St and Sanctuary Church, on 1930 W. Colorado Ave.


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📆Upcoming COS Area Events


🚨Search for Justice: Gunfire Erupts in South Academy Blvd Robbery

On January 11, 2024, around 6 PM, Sand Creek Officers swiftly responded to a reported shooting in the 500 block of South Academy Blvd.

Two suspects attempted a business robbery, resulting in a 61-year-old male being shot. The victim is receiving medical care, and no suspects are currently in custody. Robbery Detectives have taken charge of the investigation.

🚨Dark-Coated Bandit Vanishes After Southgate Robbery

A personal robbery took place on last night, around 5:30 PM, in a business on the 1800 block of Southgate Road. The suspect, indicating possession of a weapon, demanded property from the victim before fleeing on foot.

Despite officers searching the area, the suspect, described as a young African American or Hispanic male, remains at large. The individual is of a thin build, standing 5’7” to 5’9”, with multiple tattoos and was wearing a dark-colored coat. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.


🍫 Dark Chocolate Orange Truffles 🍊

Choose a high quality chocolate - since they are pretty dense, the better the chocolate, the nicer the overall truffles will be! You can also swap out dark chocolate for milk, which might be a more popular choice for kids.

These super easy truffles can be kept in the fridge for 1-2 weeks, and perfect as an after dinner treat.

Prep: 15 Min | Cook: 20 Min | Total time: 35 min


  • 1 1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate, chopped (200g)

  • 2/3 cup Double Cream (150ml)

  • 2 TBSP Butter (30g)

  • 1 TSP Sugar

  • 1 TSP Orange zest

  • Cocoa Powder (for rolling)


  1. Put the pieces of dark chocolate in heat proof bowl. Add the butter, sugar and cream to a non-stick pan and heat on low, stirring gently and not letting it boil.

  2. Pour the cream over the chocolates and stir until melted. Stir in the

    orange zest. Pour into a shallow bowl and put in the fridge until set. (2-3 hours)

  3. Using a teaspoon, take a scoop of the set mixture and roll with your hands into a ball, then roll in the cocoa powder and place on a plate.

  4. Repeat with the rest of the mixture. Store in a airtight container in the fridge, and eat within 1-2 weeks.


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