- Colorado Springs Town Tidings
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- 🚑Memorial Trivia 🚧I-25 Delays 🧥 Help Veterans 🚨Robbery Suspects
🚑Memorial Trivia 🚧I-25 Delays 🧥 Help Veterans 🚨Robbery Suspects
4 Min Read | Issue #24-289 10/15/24

COS Town Tidings #24-289
🤣 Today’s Chuckle
📰 I-25 Traffic Delays This Week🚧
📰 Guide the Growth of Your Neighborhood✍️
📰 Support for Homeless Veterans Today🧥
🚑 Trivia Time: Test Your Local Knowledge - Memorial Hospital
📆 Local Events
🚨 Crime: Did You See Something? Bank Robbery Suspects on the Run
🌤 COS Weather - Partly cloudy and warm

Dogs can’t operate an MRI machine
👉…but CAT-scan 🤣

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🚧 I-25 Traffic Delays This Week

Courtesy: Colorado Department of Transportation
Nightly lane closures on northbound and southbound I-25 between Santa Fe Ave (US 85/87) and S Academy will take place through Fri, Oct 18. Crews will be installing drainage, rumble strips, and performing concrete repairs. Traffic delays are anticipated, and drivers are advised to plan for slower travel times in the area. Fines will be doubled in the reduced speed zone of 60 mph.
Alternating lane closure:
Northbound I-25, through Thurs, Oct. 17, 6pm - 6am
Northbound I-25, Fri, Oct 18, 7pm - 9 am
Southbound I-25, through Thurs, Oct 17, 7pm - 6am
Southbound I-25, Fri, Oct 18, 7pm - 9am
Additionally, there will be a full closure of northbound S Academy from Fri, Oct 18, to early Mon, Oct 21, to complete bridge repairs. A detour will be in place via Mesa Ridge Pkwy and US 85/87.
✍️ Guide the Growth of Your Neighborhood

The City of Colorado Springs is asking residents to review and provide feedback on the draft of the Southeast Strong Community Plan, aimed at shaping the future development of six neighborhoods in the southeast region. Covering crucial areas such as transportation, housing, and public safety, the plan is part of the city’s larger Neighborhood Planning Program.
Residents can submit feedback online or attend an in-person meeting on Wed, October 23, to engage directly with city planners. Feedback will be accepted through Nov 3.
🧥 Support for Homeless Veterans Today

Today at Weidner Field, Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center is holding its Stand Down event, offering homeless veterans a day of support and resources. From 9am - 2pm, veterans can receive winter clothing, meals, and access to critical services such as healthcare, benefits, and employment assistance.
A key feature of the event is the Transitional Housing Initiative, which aims to provide permanent housing and jobs for up to ten veterans. Last year, the initiative saw great success with eight out of nine veterans securing homes and employment. This event, supported by community partners such as UCHealth and Ent Credit Union, seeks to show that the Colorado Springs community is dedicated to giving back to those who served. Full Story

🚑 Trivia: Test Your Local Knowledge - Memorial Hospital
Colorado Springs' healthcare journey began in 1904 with a vision for a Protestant hospital and nursing school. What started as a small community effort grew into Beth-El Hospital by 1911, becoming a cornerstone of local care.

Beth El Hospital, 1913-1915, 1400 E Boulder St
However, in 1943, the city purchased the hospital and renamed it Memorial Hospital to honor those who had lost their lives in World War II. This change reflected the community's dedication to providing comprehensive healthcare and paying tribute to fallen heroes.

In 2012, the hospital joined the UCHealth system, further enhancing its capabilities and resources for the Pikes Peak region. *Source

Memorial Hospital Today
🤔 What does the original name of Memorial Hospital, "Beth-El," mean in Hebrew? |
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⭐Support Our Local Businesses!
🍞Nature’s Start Bread Company![]() 👩🍳TODAY, Oct 15 @5:30pm - Sourdough Bread Bowls & Chowder Baking Class | 🌟Pendleton Heating & Cooling![]() |

📆 Local Events
Oct 16-Jan 15 (Wed-Sun 10am-2pm) & (Fri evenings 5-9pm): All Seasons Farmers & Artisan Mkt @La Montana Way
Oct 16-20, 1-4 PM: 3-Hour Original Colorado Springs Food Tour @1 Tejon St $69-$87
Oct 16, 4-6:30pm: Doggie Trunk Or Treat @Vista Dog Park, Banning Lewis Ranch FREE to attend
Oct 16-20, 23-27, 30-Nov 2, 6-8:45: Haunted Manitou Springs @Corner of El Paso and Manitou Ave $25
Oct 17, 7:15-8:45pm: Monthly Satya Kirtan @Yoga Studio Satya 1581 York Rd FREE
Oct 17, 1-2:30: How to Herbal Basics: Elderberry Syrup @Westside Community Center, 1628 W Bijou St $5
Oct 17, 5-7pm: Trunk or Treat @Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Lime-Kiln trailhead FREE with CPW vehicle pass
Oct 17, 7-9pm: BINGO @Lebowski’s Taproom, 3240 Centennial Blvd FREE to attend
Oct 18-19, 9am-3pm: Annual Fall Bazaar Fundraiser & Gift Sale! @The Salvation Army, 908 Yuma St
Oct 18-20 (Fri's 9:30am-2:30pm; Sat-Sun 9:30am-4pm): Pumpkin Fest @ Venetucci Farm $9.11
Oct 18-20, 25-27 (Fri-Sun) 10am-5pm: Longneck Pumpkin Farm @7595 California Dr $18 (Registration required)
Oct 18, 3:30 PM: 2.5-Hour Cocktails & Canapés Walking Tour @1 N Tejon $79 must be 21+
Oct 18, 4-6pm: Fall Festival @ Meadows Park, 1943 S. El Paso Ave FREE
Oct 18-20, 25-27, 31, 4-8:30pm: Boo at the Zoo @Cheyenne Mountain Zoo $23-$25 Family Friendly
Oct 19, Noon-2pm: Spooky Charcuterie Class with Charcuterie @Goat Patch Brewing, 2727 N Cascade $60.54 - Get $3 discount (10 Seats Left)
Oct 19, 1-4pm: Bob Ross Painting Experience with Dawn Marsh! @Brush Crazy,4416 Austin Bluffs $135.25 (6 Seats Left)
Oct 19, 6-9pm: Murder Mystery, A Noteworthy Crime @Great Wolf Lodge, 9494 Federal Dr $72.95 (21 Ticket Left)
Oct 20, 11am-1:30pm: Chunky Blanket Workshop | Mimosa Included! @Painting With A Twist (downtown) $75 (3 Seats Left)
Oct 21, 5:30-8:30pm: UNDIVIDE US Screening + discussion @Cornerstone Arts Center, Colorado College, 825 N Cascade Ave FREE (registration required)
Oct 26, Nov 28, Dec 14: YMCA 5K Races $30-$40
Oct 27, 9:30am-4pm: Pup-kin Fest @ Venetucci Farm $9.11
Oct 28, 3:30-5:30pm: Beginners Crochet Class @Who Gives A SCRAP, 810 Arcturus Dr $25 (4 Spots Left)
Oct 31, 4-7pm: Dave & Boo-ster's @Dave and Buster's, 9277 Highland Ridge Hts $10 (Will Sell Out Fast)
Nov 8 (7pm), 10 (2:30pm): An Evening of Roman-ticism @Ent Center for the Arts, 5225 N Nevada $13-$41
Nov 10, 7-8:30pm: Cave of the Winds Soundbath @Cave of the Winds $65 (Limited Tickets Available)
Nov 22-24: Vintage Market Days of Colorado Springs @Norris Penrose Ctr, 1045 Lower Gold Camp Rd $13.30-$18.42
👩🍳Chef Abigail, CoS Eats LLC |

🚨 Did You See Something? Bank Robbery Suspects on the Run

Police are on the lookout for two men suspected of robbing a bank on E. Cheyenne Mountain Blvd in Colorado Springs yesterday. The suspects allegedly jumped the bank counter and demanded money from the employees before fleeing with an undisclosed amount of cash. Officers arrived at the scene around 2pm, but no arrests have been made, and no suspect descriptions have been released. The investigation remains ongoing. Full Story

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