- Colorado Springs Town Tidings
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- Colorado Springs Nonprofit List

🤝 Helping Hands - Volunteer Opportunities
Explore rewarding volunteer options and be part of something meaningful. Together, we can make an impact!
V = Volunteer Opportunity, R = Resource if you need it, D = Donation
🙌 General Community Support:
COSILoveYou: CityServe city-wide volunteer initiative to participate in addressing real needs in the Pikes Peak region. Collaborating with various organizations and partners, aims to support education, combat homelessness, and alleviate food insecurity. Volunteers of all ages join in serving schools, parks, nonprofits, and neighborhoods. V
Pikes Peak United Way: Pikes Peak United Way works to improve the lives of individuals and families in the community. You can contact them at 719-632-1543 or visit ppunitedway.org V
UCCS Clyde's Closet & Clyde's Cupboard: Donation-based professional clothing closet program and 100% donation food pantry on campus that provides free food and toiletries for all enrolled UCCS students. D R
🍎 Food & Nutrition:
Care and Share Food Bank: Care and Share Food Bank provides food assistance to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-528-1247 or visit their website at careandshare.org V
Project Angel Heart: For over 30 years, Project Angel Heart has addressed a critical need: providing nutritious meals to severely ill Coloradans who are too sick to shop or cook, or who must choose between food and medication. ProjectAngelHeart.org *Meal Delivery Drivers Needed V
🧒 Children:
KidPower: mission to provide children with the skills and confidence to thrive at kidpowercs.org or call 719-520-1311
👩👧👦 KidPower: Building Resilience and Safety for Our Youth
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado: to create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Website, 111 S Tejon St, Suite 302 or call 719-633-2443 V
Catamount Institute: dedicated to connecting kids to the outdoors with a mix of education and adventure through meaningful outdoor experiences. Website, 40 W Caramillo St, COS or call 719-471-0910 V
🧓 Seniors:
Silver Key Senior Services: Supporting a healthy quality of life for seniors, allowing them to age safely with dignity and independence. SilverKey.org or call 719-884-2300 V R
📚 Education & Libraries:
Friends of the Pikes Peak Library District: This organization supports the Pikes Peak Library District through fundraising and volunteer efforts. You can find more information on their website at FriendsOfppld.org V
Featured Spotlight: 👨👩👧👦 Support the Lifeline of Our Community
Pikes Peak Library District: The Pikes Peak Library District offers volunteer opportunities to help with various library programs and services. You can find more information on their website at ppld.org/volunteer
✝️ Faith-Based:
Catholic Charities of Central Colorado: Catholic Charities offers a variety of services to help individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-866-6286 or visit their website at ccharitiescc.org
Featured Spotlight: 🤝 A Foundation of Compassion in Colorado Springs
Crossfire Ministries: Crossfire Ministries is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to individuals and families in need. You can contact them at 719-447-1806, ext. 102 or visit their website at crossfireministries.org
🏠 Housing & Homelessness:
Food Trucks Against Homelessness (FTAH): Restores dignity and hope for individuals experiencing houselessness in Colorado Springs through weekly food truck meals, essential supplies, and community outreach at Westside Cares. Call 719-888-9155 or visit their website. V
Featured Spotlight: 🤝 Sharing Meals, Sharing Hope: Food Trucks Against Homelessness
Springs Rescue Mission: provides support and resources for homeless in the Colorado Springs area. You can contact them at 719-632-1822 or visit their website at SpringsRescueMission.org V
Lotus Foundation: A new nonprofit is blossoming, bringing hope to survivors of human trafficking. Opened in 2023 with a mission to provide confidential victim advocacy and case management to those recovering from sex and labor trafficking. Call new main # 719-290-8916, email at [email protected] or visit LotusFoundationCO.org
Featured Spotlight: 🌸 Blooms Hope for Human Trafficking Survivors
We Fortify’s Working Fusion At Mill Street: exists to pivot young adults out of poverty into a state of economic and emotional stability and social connectedness. This village and program is a first-of-its-kind housing initiative in Colorado Springs dedicated to breaking the cycle of generational poverty and homelessness. WorkingFusion.com
Featured Spotlight: 🙌 Giving At-Risk Youth a Brighter Future
HOPE COS: provide compassionate, values-driven support through street outreach, peer coaching, sober living, and warming shelters. HopeCOS.org V
Featured Spotlight: 🤲 HOPE COS: Champion for Change in Our Community
🔌 Sustainability:
Energy Resource Center: The Energy Resource Center helps low-income families with energy efficiency and weatherization services. You can contact them at 719-591-0772 or visit their website at erc-co.org R
Featured Spotlight: 🤝A Helping Hand for Income-Qualified Households
🐾 Animals:
Harley's Hope Foundation: offer a variety of services designed to help keep pets in their existing homes. Our core services are financial assistance with major veterinary care, and additional help for seniors and their companions. Harleys-HopeFoundation.org
Featured Spotlight: 💔 When Crisis Strikes, Love Costs: Harley's Hope Needs You! 🐾
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo offers volunteer opportunities for animal lovers. You can find more information on their website at cmzoo.org V
Boo At The Zoo Volunteers needed for Oct 18-31. Click to learn more
Whimpers to Wags Rescue: dedicated to giving small dogs a second chance. This all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit swoops in to save our pint-sized companions from adversity, providing them with the loving care they urgently need. V
Featured Spotlight: 🐾 Paws for a Cause: Support Whimpers to Wags
🌳 Environmental:
Friends of El Paso County Nature Centers: Nonprofit whose mission is to support Bear Creek and Fountain Creek Nature Centers. Active volunteers complete orientation and role-specific training. Volunteers are invited to participate in continuing education and social events throughout the year. CommunityServices.ElPasoCo.com V
Featured Spotlight: 🌿 Exploring Wonders at El Paso County Nature Centers
Richards Rubbish Roundup: Invite and organize volunteers to regularly pick up litter all around the Pikes Peak Region. Also advocate to local governments, residential and private property owners, on how to better control our litter, particularly in areas that have repeated problems. RichardsRubbishRoundup.org V
Featured Spotlight: 🥾 Hike 🚲 Bike and 🗑️ Pick Up Litter: Richards Rubbish Roundup Volunteer Experience
🤗 Mental Health:
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Colorado Springs: This organization provides support and resources for individuals and families affected by depression and bipolar disorder. You can contact them at 719-477-1515 or visit their website at DBSAColoradoSprings.org R
Universal Education Foundation (UEF): Guiding individuals for over 35 years to heal through non-traditional ways, building community through assisting people to gain different perspectives, change old patterns and create new relationships. Free support groups. UniversalEducationFoundation.org R
Featured Spotlight: 💞 Hope: UEF's Legacy of Healing in Colorado Springs
Voices of Grief Support and Education Center: creates supportive spaces to honor the natural process of grief and educate our community in healthy expressions of grief and mourning. VoiceOfGriefCenter.org R
Featured Spotlight: 💔 When Love Leaves an Empty Space…
Mustang Ambassador Program: committed to making learning easy and accessible. Students acquire foundational skills, develop new techniques and confidently move forward in their learning journey. MAP1.org V
🎖 Military:
Angels of America's Fallen: Mission is to encourage and fund healthy positive activities for the children of fallen firefighters, military, and law enforcement. D V
Featured Spotlight: 💔 From Heartbreak to Hope by Honoring Our Fallen